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teddy bear check up event

Teddy Bear Check-Up

Stone Zoo

April 19, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

 Bring your favorite teddy bear for a day of cuddly fun!

Included with general Zoo admission. No additional purchase or reservation is required for Zoo members

Our team will give your plush pal a special check-up to make sure it's in tip-top shape. Afterward, enjoy bear-themed crafts and activities, and learn all about Bubba and Smoky, the black bears who call Stone Zoo home!

Just Fur Fun

  • Learn more about black bears.
  • Come dressed for the occasion in your own black bear mask.
  • Zoodopts support the care and feeding of our animals, and with each purchase, we'll bring a little of the Zoo to you! Zoodopt a bear.
  • Color a bear.

Event Sponsorship
Is your company interested in sponsoring this event? Zoo New England has many different types of packages that will fit your company’s goals. Please contact Kevin Milhomme at or 617-379-5131 for more information.