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zne's conservation impact map

Our Conservation Impact

Zoo New England’s conservation impact spans the globe. Explore our map to see where we're making a difference.


One Health in Madagascar

This long-term project studies the interconnectedness of biodiversity, animal and human health, and working towards a better future for our shared ecosystem.

Snow Leopard Conservation

We partner with the Snow Leopard Trust, collaborating with herder communities in South Gobi, Mongolia to protect snow leopards and their habitat.

Cross-River Gorilla Conservation

Through this partnership, we deepen our commitment not only to Cross-River gorillas, but to the Community Rangers who work to protect them.

hicatee work in Brazil

Hicatee Turtle Conservation

We're working with the Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education to help protect and recover the Critically Endangered hicatee, or Central American river turtle.

panamanian golden frog

Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project

We're working to save frogs from an amphibian crisis caused by the lethal chytrid fungus.


Northern Jaguar Conservation

We support the Northern Jaguar Project, whose innovative work is mitigating conflict with ranchers and protecting jaguars across a wide swath of northern Mexico.

male and female lions

African Lion Conservation

Zoo New England supports Lion Landscapes in their community-led conservation efforts to protect large wild carnivores moving out of protected parks and into human-dominated landscapes.

African painted dog

African Painted Dog Conservation

We support Lion Landscapes in their multi-year survey initiative to assess the status and conservation needs of Tanzania's painted dogs in an effort to bolster the population of this endangered species.

wolf in the snow

Mexican Gray Wolf Conservation

Since 1998, Zoo New England has been committed to re-introducing Mexican gray wolves into the wilds of the American Southwest, where they once lived in large numbers.


Jari Squire

Giraffe Conservation

We support the Somali Giraffe Project in their work with local communities to help save one of Africa’s most majestic species.

Baird's Tapir Conservation

We support the Baird's Tapir Survival Alliance in developing education programs in which schoolchildren create their own solutions to local tapir conflicts.


Short-tailed Chinchilla Conservation

We've joined the AZA SAFE Chinchilla Program to help protect and recover some of the last remaining colonies of the Critically Endangered short-tailed chinchilla in Chile.

European hamster

European Hamster Conservation

Zoo New England supports breeding and reintroduction efforts to save the European hamster, a species on the brink of extinction.

Cuban solenodon

Cuban Solenodon Conservation

We're studying one of the few remaining endemic land mammals of the Caribbean, and helping to save it from extinction.

BirdsCaribbean: Conserving Migratory Birds

Zoo New England is partnering with BirdsCaribbean to help protect the many rare endemic and migratory birds that spend time on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

kori bustard

Kori Bustard and Kiwi Conservation

Zoo New England works with other institutions across the U.S. to find new uses for kori bustard and kiwi feathers.

Northern White-Cheeked Gibbon Conservation

We support Three Monkeys Wildlife Conservancy in their efforts to reintroduce critically endangered Northern white-cheeked gibbons to a protected forest reserve, with the long-term vision of establishing a self-sustaining population.

snow leopard

Sabin Snow Leopard Grants Program

Zoo New England manages the Sabin Snow Leopard Grant Program, providing funding to conservationists working to save this iconic big cat.

wcn graduate scholar

Graduate Scholarship Program

We've partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Network in providing graduate scholarships to conservation leaders of tomorrow from low-income countries.

Thinking about getting an exotic bird? Think twice.

U.S. Wildlife Trafficking Alliance

We're a proud partner of the U.S. Wildlife Trafficking Alliance, working together to protect wildlife from illegal trade.