Board and Advisory Council
Zoo New England Board Officers and Directors
Colin G. Van Dyke (Chair)
Managing Partner, Anderson & Kreiger LLP
LeeAnn Horner, LICSW (Vice Chair)
Outpatient Clinician, Thriveworks
Thomas Tinlin (Vice Chair)
Director, Howard Stein Hudson
Peter A. Wilson (Treasurer)
Private Trustee, Goulston & Storrs
Rory Browne, D. Phil.
Boston College
Caroline Diamond
Independent Market Research Professional
Edward Doherty
CEO, Stoneham Bank
Carline Durocher
General Counsel and Vice President of Technology Development, CareQuest Institute
Thomas P. Feeley
Assurance Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Ruth Ellen Fitch
Retired President/CEO, The Dimock Center
Steve Hinterneder
Project Executive, Phoenix Foundation Company, Inc.
Ronnie Kanarek
Gallery Instructor, MFA; Entrepreneur
Mark A. Kelley, M.D
Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital
Christy Keswick
Co-Founder & President, Good Sports
Lorenda Layne
Self Employed
Douglas Lober
Principal, DJL Capital
George K. Regan, Jr.
Chairman, Regan Communications Group
Edward Rich
Executive Director JP Morgan Chase and Co.
Claudia U. Richter, MD
Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston, Inc.
Peter Roberts
Venture Partner, Common Angels
Kathleen Vieweg, M.Ed.
Retired Development Professional, MIT
Monica Welsh-Loveman
Director of Development Operations
Emeritus Board Inaugural Members
Grace Fey
Janice Houghton
Dave Porter
Advisory Council Members
LeeAnn Horner (Chair)
Outpatient Clinician, Thriveworks
Lloyd Hamm (Vice Chair)
CEO, Newburyport Savings Bank
Joanna Berube
Accounting Professional
Mark Biondi
Senior Vice President, Related Beal
Melissa Buckingham
Business Development, Buckingham Designs
Bill Byrne
Partner, Manzo Company
Gordon Carr
Executive Director, New Bedford Port Authority
Tom Comeau
Commodore Builders
Katie Connolly
Vice President of Development, Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Kim L. Cronin
DVM, DAVCIM NE Vet Oncology Group, A Blue Pearl Veterinary Partner
Donna Denio
Marketing and Business Process Consultant
Misty Farrell
Director of Business Development, Boston University
Grace Fucci
Associate Attorney, Foley & Lardner LLP
Ed Gaskin
Executive Director, Greater Boston Grove Hall Main Streets
John Gosselin
Managing Partner, Gosselin & Kyriakidis
Jackie Henke
VP, Innovation and Transformation Director, TD Bank
David Hirschberg
VP of Development, Bay Cove Human Services
Elizabeth Duffy Hynes
Laboratory Manager for Clinical Development, Genetic Medicine
Yan J. Katz
Managing Director Financial Advisor, HUB Wealth Strategies, The Bulfinch Group
William Kennedy
Partner, Nutter Corporation
Teresa Koster
Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk
Stephanie Kube
DVM, DACVIM (Neurology) Veterinary Neurologist/Neurosurgeon
Nick Kunkler
Founder, Four Mountain Partners, LLC; Consultant & Advisory Board Member, Hastings Equity Partners
Susanne MacDonald
Director, SGM Communications
Ruth Marrion
Veterinary Ophthalmologist
David J. McLachlan
Conservationist, Corporate Director
Quincy Miller
President, Eastern Bank
Jessica Gifford Nigrelli
Thomas Nonnweiler
Vice President and Investment Officer at Fiduciary Trust Company
Susan Oman
Sean L. Po
Harvard Business School
Gauri Patil Punjabi
Attorney, Mintz Levin
Maureen Reardon
TJX University DVP
Janice Corkin Rudolf
Linda SanGiacomo
Senior Vice President, Global Brand & Marketing
Kate Schwartz
Grass Roots Marketing & Fundraising for Non-Profits
Jennifer Shea
Baystate Financial
Scott Sherman
Director – Eleven Group of Companies
Steven D. Spitz, DMD
Smileboston Dentistry, Veterinary Dental Advisory Committee
Marie St. Fleur
Strategic, Collaborative Leader
Alan Stern, M.D.
Pediatrician, Needham Pediatrics
David Straus
Executive Director, Association for Commuter Transportation
Heather Egan Sussman
Partner, Ropes & Gray, LLP
Jeffrey D. Terrey
VP of Public Affairs, Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications
Donna Weiss
Stone Zoo Docent and Volunteer
Gregory Zurlo
Managing Partner, StreetBlock Development, LLC