Black-Tailed Prairie Dog
Digital Membership Card FAQ
How do I add the membership card to my iPhone?
- iPhones have a native app called Apple Wallet. Click the "Download" button in the email you received on your iPhone, then "Add to Wallet," then "Add." Your digital membership card will automatically download to the Apple Wallet app.
How do I add the membership card to my Android phone?
If you have an Android device, you can choose where to install it (Google Wallet app or Wallet Passes app):
- If you choose the Google Wallet app (Gpay):
- Make sure Gpay app is installed. You can download it from here.
- Open the email directly from your phone
- Tap on the "Download Membership" button
- Click on "add to Gpay"
- A preview will appear. Click on "Save to Gpay"
- In some cases, Gpay might ask you to log in so you can save it to an account. Please log in to continue (no credit card information should be required).
- The card will be saved to Gpay and you will be able to access it from the Gpay app at any moment.
- If you choose the WalletPasses app:
- Install the app from the Google Play Store.
- After you have the app, access the email from your smartphone and click the “Download membership” button.
- A new window will appear. Click on the "Add to PassWallet" button and the card will automatically go to your WalletPasses app, where it can be accessed at any time.
What if I don't have a mobile phone?
You can still receive your physical cards in the mail within 2-4 weeks of purchase. Please note, we are currently experiencing shipping delays and it may take longer than usual to receive your membership card in the mail.
Where is my third cardholder's name?
If you have a third cardholder on your record (Friend, Curator, Director or Founder levels), the name will be listed on the card details section, which can be viewed by clicking the "..." icon in Apple Wallet, or the "i" icon in WalletPasses.
How do I share the card with my other cardholders?
If you have an iPhone, navigate to the back of the membership card by clicking the "..." icon. Then use the share icon to send the card to your additional cardholders by email. If you are sharing cards between two iPhones, another option is to send it via iMessage.
If you have an Android, navigate to the back of the membership card by clicking the "i" icon. Then use the "Share Pass" link to send the card to your additional cardholders by email.
Please remember, cards should not be shared with people who are not named on your account, as they will not be able to use your membership benefits.
I saw a notification for an e-mail about my digital member card, but I can't find it!
If your e-mail provider auto-sorts or classifies incoming e-mails into categories like Promotions, Updates, or Focus/Other, be sure to check all of your Inbox Categories. You can also search for messages from membership@cuseum.com or with the subject line "Your New Membership Card".
I’d prefer not to use a digital membership card, what should I do? I don’t have a smart phone, what can I do?
If you purchased your membership online, you’re welcome to print and use the pdf temporary pass attached to your confirmation e-mail. If you purchased on-site, you should have received a paper temporary pass printed on ticket stock. You will also receive physical cards in the mail within two to four weeks of purchase.
My name is spelled wrong on my membership.
Please contact us at znemembership@zoonewengland.org or call 617-989-2076 to update your record. Once updated, it may take up to 10 days to reflect on your digital card.
I’ve lost/misplaced my membership cards! What should I do?
If you're planning to visit Franklin Park Zoo or Stone Zoo but don't have your membership cards, you can still visit our Zoos free of charge! Be sure to present a photo ID that matches your membership information and notify our Admissions Associate that you've lost your cards. We'll easily look up your membership in our database and allow free admission for all guests as specified under your current membership level.
You may purchase a set of replacement cards right at our admissions booth during your next visit, or order by phone at 617-989-2076. There's a $5 processing fee for each replacement card. Organization and Library passes are $25 to replace.
Your digital card can be used in place of a physical card. If you're a new member, your digital card will be sent to the e-mail address on your membership record within 10 days or purchase.
What if I'm visiting another zoo or aquarium?
Zoo New England, along with 140+ zoos and aquariums, participates in a voluntary membership reciprocal program every year. That means you can receive discounted admission to these other institutions using your Zoo New England membership. Because reciprocity is voluntary, admission rates and discounts may be changed throughout the year; therefore, we highly recommend you contact these institutions to confirm pricing before your visit.
Check out our Reciprocity List here.
Please note, other zoos and aquariums in our reciprocal program operate independently from Zoo New England. If you wish to visit them and have forgotten your membership cards, they won't be able to confirm your current membership with Zoo New England and may charge you regular admission rates.
When will I receive my membership card? Can I use my membership before I receive my card?
Members can use their benefits as soon as their purchase is complete. If you purchase a membership online, you will receive a confirmation e-mail which includes a temporary pass attached as a pdf. If you buy a membership at the Zoo, you will receive a printed temporary pass. Digital membership cards will be sent via e-mail within 10 days of purchase. Physical cards will arrive within two to four weeks of purchase.
Contact us if at 617-989-2076 or email znemembership@zoonewengland.org if:
- You don't have a temporary card, membership receipt, or online confirmation for your membership
- You've been waiting four weeks or longer and have not received your new cards in the mail
- Digital cards will be sent within ten days of signing up for your membership. They will be sent to the e-mail address on your membership record. Please note, there is only one e-mail address per membership record. If you cannot find it in your inbox within two weeks of purchase, please check your spam folder. It will be sent from our digital card provider with the email address "membership@cuseum.com."
What if I didn’t receive my confirmation email?
If you purchased your membership online, you should have received your order confirmation to the e-mail address used during purchase. Due to recent security updates with e-mail service providers, e-mails sent to your account from our website may be blocked or sent to your junk mail or SPAM folders. Be sure to check these folders if you don't receive an e-mail confirmation for your online purchases. If your e-mail provider auto-sorts or classifies incoming e-mails into categories like Promotions, Updates, or Other, be sure to check all of your Inbox Categories. You can also search for messages with the subject line "Thank you for supporting Zoo New England".
Otherwise, contact us, and we'll forward you a copy of your confirmation e-mail.
Please note that memberships purchased in-person or over the phone will not receive a confirmation email.
What if my membership has expired?
You can renew your membership in the following ways:
- At our admission booth during your next visit. Upon renewing, you'll receive a receipt for your purchase, as well as a temporary membership card. Memberships take two to four weeks to process.
- Right here on our website. (Please note, if the membership is already expired, you may need to purchase a new membership instead of a renewal.)
- By mail with check or credit card payment. Toward the end of your membership, you'll receive a renewal letter in the mail. Simply fill that out and mail it back to us.
- Over the phone at 617-989-2076 with your credit card information ready.
What discounts am I eligible for with my membership?
Check out all the amazing perks of membership here!
Can our child care provider use our membership card?
Zoo memberships are tailored specifically for the named adult cardholders on membership cards. Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. As long as your child care provider is named on your membership account, they will be able to use the member benefits.
The best way to grant full membership privileges to your child care provider would be to upgrade your membership to the Friend membership level. This level allows for a third cardholder, as well as four children (under 18), and two accompanying guests.
You may upgrade your membership at any point during your current membership by contacting our Membership department at 617-989-2076 or right at our Admissions booth during your next visit to the Zoo.
Why was I asked to show photo ID with my membership card?
Zoo New England is a non-profit organization, and we depend on membership and attendance for support. Therefore, it's important to prevent misuse of our membership cards. We also want to protect you, the member, if your card is lost or stolen.
Are complimentary admission passes transferable?
Yes. If you received one-time-use tickets with your membership level, you don't have to accompany your guests to the Zoo, and each guest pass is valid for either one adult or child admission. The following membership levels include guest passes: Curator, Director and Founder.
Is my membership payment tax deductible?
Individual, Dual, Family, Family Plus and Friend level membership payments are fully tax deductible, unless purchased through a third party. Please contact us for specific tax information on Curator, Director and Founder level payments, or for any other questions.
Do members need to make a reservation to visit the zoo?
Currently, members do not need to make reservations for daytime visits. Members will need reservations for any separately-ticketed special events such as Boston Lights, ZooLights, or any 21+ events.
If I buy a membership today, when will it expire?
Memberships expire on the last day of the month, 12 months from purchase. For example, if a membership is purchased January 12, it will expire on January 31 the following year.
Can guests use my membership if I am not with them? If one of my named cardholders isn’t coming to the zoo today, can I bring a guest in their place? Can I bring a guest to the zoo with me?
Zoo New England memberships are non-transferable. A named cardholder must be present for the membership to be used. If a named cardholder is not visiting the zoo on a particular day, their admission benefits cannot be transferred to a guest. Guest admission is only permitted if the membership level includes guests, and a named adult member is present.
Can my children use my membership for free admission if they are visiting with an adult who is not one of the named cardholders?
No. Our memberships give benefits to named adult cardholders, and one of the benefits for all levels aside from Individual or Dual is free admission for up to four children. Your children are not members themselves. If your child is visiting the zoo with an adult who has their own Zoo New England membership, that adult is welcome to use their membership to cover your child’s admission as long as their level covers children.
Can I add a named cardholder or change the named adults on my membership?
Member benefits are non-transferable. If you need to make a name change, there is a $5 fee to do so. There is a limit of one name change allowed per membership year. If you would like to pay the fee to change a name on your membership record, please e-mail your request to znemembership@zoonewengland.org.
How can I upgrade my membership to include children or additional adults?
Members can upgrade their memberships on-site or by phone. The upgrade fee is the full price difference between the membership levels. Upgrade fees are not pro-rated.
Can I convert General Admission tickets into a Membership?
Yes. If you are planning to visit the Zoo on a specific date, we recommend purchasing General Admission tickets, then upgrading to a membership during your visit. Be sure to visit the ticket booth windows at least half an hour before closing to request your upgrade. If you visited the zoo within the last 7 days and did not upgrade during your visit, please call 617-989-2076 with your ticket order confirmation number to upgrade over the phone.
Can I buy a membership as a gift?
Yes, gift membership certificates may be purchased online. Enter your own details when prompted for billing information. The gift purchaser will receive the confirmation e-mail with a gift voucher attached, which you can share with the recipient. Gift vouchers must be redeemed at either Franklin Park Zoo or Stone Zoo within six months of purchase. The membership will be valid for 12 months once redeemed.
Can I get a refund on my membership?
Memberships non-refundable. If you are moving out of the area, you may be able to use your membership to visit a reciprocal zoo or aquarium near your new home.
How can I change the contact information associated with my membership?
Please send an e-mail to znemembership@zoonewengland.org with your member names, previous contact information, and new updates.
What if I have more than four children?
If you have more than four children, you may want to purchase the Family Plus level. That allows for two named adults, up to four children, and two additional guests of any age. This would allow for six children between the ages of 2-18 if you used both guest slots. Please remember, children less than two-years-old are always admitted free and do not count toward your membership allotment. Daycare groups or other similar organizations cannot use Zoo New England memberships for admission. Organization passes may be best for such groups. Please visit https://www.zoonewengland.org/groups for more information.
Is there a membership level that allows for more than three named adults?
No, there is not a membership that allows for more than three named cardholders. If your household or group has more than three adults who would like to independently use member benefits, please purchase multiple memberships. If the adults will not visit independently, they may be allowed entry as a guest under one of our levels that allows guest admission. We are happy to assist you in figuring out what is the best level or combination of memberships for your family. Please send an e-mail with details about your situation to znemembership@zoonewengland.org.