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night sky

Dark Sky Initiative

ZNE is a member of the International Dark Sky Association, dedicated to advancing education and policy initiatives aimed at mitigating the harmful effects of outdoor lighting on wildlife and the environment.

Light pollution alters and interferes with the timing of many biological activities. For many species, our artificial lights at night seriously affect their lives, including a reduction in time to find food, shelter, and/or attract potential mating partners. Excessive lighting disrupts nocturnal pollinators and disorients many birds, especially during their seasonal migrations, causing death due to impact or predation.

With education and advocacy, the overall health of all species, including humans, can benefit from careful planning and proper lighting in our communities. Among other positive benefits, the decrease in outdoor lighting will help to maintain circadian rhythm and melatonin production.

ZNE is a member of the International Dark Sky Association. ZNE staff have given several presentations on this issue and how to improve matters, and the Zoo is working to support various bills in the Massachusetts legislature to improve outdoor lighting, conserve energy, and increase dark-sky visibility.

To learn what you can do to help, visit the International Dark Skies Initiative to learn more!