All About Animals
Gibbon Family
What's that sound? Gibbons make some amazing sounds, from hauntingly beautiful calls, to silly sounding hoots and howls. On your next visit, be sure to listen for our gibbons gabbing!
About the White-Cheeked Gibbon

Geographic Range:

Class: Mammalia
Order: Primate
Family: Hylobatidae
Genus: Hylobates
Species: leucogenys
The white-cheeked gibbon is a small and slender tree-dwelling ape. Like all apes, it has no tail. Up above the forest floor, gibbons use their long arms to swing between branches and vines, an activity called brachiating. They can also leap across gaps in the tree canopy up to 30 feet. On the ground, gibbons walk on their legs, often with arms held above their heads for balance.