All About Animals
Gorilla Family
Meet the gorilla family in Franklin Park Zoo's outdoor Gorilla Grove or indoor Tropical Forest.
About the Western Lowland Gorilla

Geographic Range:

Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Gorilla
Species: gorilla
Subspecies: gorilla
Gorillas are the world’s largest living primates. Male western lowland gorillas can grow to 5.5-feet tall and weigh up to 450 pounds. Females can grow to 4.5-feet tall and weigh up to 250 pounds. Western lowland gorillas live in groups, or “bands” in or near African forests. The alpha male leads the band and those who challenge him are apt to be cowed by impressive shows of physical power—he may throw things, make aggressive charges, pound his huge chest while barking out powerful hoots, or unleash a frightening roar.