All About Animals
Wolf Pack
You can visit our wolf pack year-round at Stone Zoo. If they're not up and moving around, look for the wolves along the rocks at the back of their exhibit. Or, in the summer months, they often like to dig dirt dens in the front right corner.
About the Mexican Gray Wolf

Geographic Range:

Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: lupus baileyi
The smallest subspecies of wolf, Mexican gray wolves, or “Lobos” as they’re called in Spanish, have fur that is tan, silver and black. Mexican gray wolves are highly social, living in packs of three to eight with a complex social hierarchy. They are very vocal animals, using barks, howls, growls, whines and whimpers to communicate. Howls are used to assemble pack members and advertise territory. Wolves have individual, distinctive howls.