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Sunday, July 28: Circuit Drive by Franklin Park Zoo will be closed to vehicular traffic from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.while the Boston Puerto Rican Parade is underway. Please plan your visit accordingly!

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Grevy's zebra born at Franklin Park Zoo

Boston, Mass. – The staff at Franklin Park Zoo is pleased to announce the recent birth of a Grevy’s zebra.

The male Grevy’s zebra foal, born October 16, is the offspring of Evita and Menelik. A day after birth, the zoo’s veterinarians examined the foal, who weighs in at 106 pounds and is reported to be in good health.

“I am thrilled to announce this significant birth. We have been very successful in breeding Grevy’s zebras at Franklin Park Zoo and each birth contributes greatly to the future survival of this endangered species,” said John Linehan, Zoo New England President and CEO. “As with any new birth, we are closely monitoring the mother and baby. Evita is an experienced mother and is doing everything a mother zebra should be doing.”

Beginning today, the public will be able to vote on the zebra foal’s name on Franklin Park Zoo’s Facebook page (

For three decades, Zoo New England has been an active, and very successful, participant in the Grevy’s Zebra Species Survival Plan, which is a cooperative, inter-zoo program coordinated nationally through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. SSPs are designed to maintain a genetically diverse and demographically stable captive population. There are currently 183 Grevy’s zebras represented in 40 AZA institutions.

Grevy's are an endangered zebra species mostly due to habitat loss and poaching by humans. They are primarily found in Kenya, with a smaller population in Ethiopia. Currently in the wild, the species number less than 2,700 individuals, a significant loss from more than 15,000 animals reported in the late 1970s.

Including the new foal, there are two female and three male Grevy’s zebra at Franklin Park Zoo.

Please note: The Grevy’s zebra foal is not yet on exhibit. Media photo opportunities will be available once the foal makes its exhibit debut.



Zoo New England manages Franklin Park Zoo in Boston and Stone Zoo in Stoneham. Both are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Zoo New England's mission is to inspire people to protect and sustain the natural world for future generations by creating fun and engaging experiences that integrate wildlife and conservation programs, research, and education.