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Sunday, Feb. 9: Due to the forecasted snowstorm, both Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo will be closed. We hope you can join us on another day, and please travel safely!

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July Events

For information regarding the Praise and Worship Concert (July 7), Soca in the Park Concert (July 8) or Reggae in the Park Concert (July 14) please call 617-991-4512 or email the following addresses:

To make your experience as smooth as possible, please check out some helpful tips and guidelines for the events.



Parking is free. Event parking lots are located at the following locations:

  • Giraffe entrance parking lot on Pierpont Road
  • Zebra entrance parking lot between Franklin Park Road and Blue Hill Ave. (Peabody Circle)  
  • Parking lot on Circuit Drive/N.Jewish War Vets Drive 


This event is a 21+ event only, proper identification is needed. Applicable forms of identification include and ARE limited to:

  • Passports
  • Permanent Resident/Alien ID Cards
  • State Issued Driver's Licenses (non‐expired)
  • State Issued ID's (non‐expired)


Access to the venue begins at 6:30 p.m. Concert ends at 12 a.m. Please note that there will be a security checkpoint and patrons are encouraged to arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes in advance.       


All persons and belongings will be searched.

  • There will be a "by‐pass" line for those patrons who are coming "concert ready".  Concert ready means NO chairs, NO handbags (large pocketbooks; knapsacks; school bags; wristlets are OK)
  • All patrons & bags must have a wristband. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is a security procedure that must be adhered to. 


There are no ATMs at the venue. Please plan accordingly.


Beverages of any kind (non‐alcoholic or alcoholic) will NOT be allowed into the park. Water is also not allowed into the park but will be provided once inside.

  • Refreshment bars will be available.
  • Food vendors will be on site.


Rain or shine concert 


For your comfort, lounge chairs will be allowed into the park, one chair per person. For your safety, every chair will be subjected to a thorough search. Please be advised that security regulations mandate that we must search all chairs. We must open, close and safety check the chairs before you enter. This could potentially delay your entry to the park significantly (tested wait time=approx. 45 minutes). Please consider your options before electing to bring a chair.


  • Food
  • Water
  • Soda
  • Alcohol
  • Weapons