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Sunday, July 28: Circuit Drive by Franklin Park Zoo will be closed to vehicular traffic from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.while the Boston Puerto Rican Parade is underway. Please plan your visit accordingly!

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Call to action! Support your Zoos!

Currently, Governor Charlie Baker and Secretary Jay Ash of the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development are considering Zoo New England’s request for release of capital funding for deferred maintenance for our Zoos, particularly Stone Zoo. Long term, we are requesting a more robust public/private partnership with the Commonwealth - the type of which is enjoyed by many successful Zoos across the country.

The capital funding request asks that funding, that has been authorized by the Legislature for new construction and maintenance, be allocated in part to address longstanding deferred maintenance at the Zoos. Due to these longstanding deferred maintenance issues, Stone Zoo's accreditation has been tabled.

Otterwave BoxPlease contact Governor Baker and Secretary Ash by June 12 and ask them to fund the $3 million Zoo New England request and to build a more robust public/private partnership with the Zoos. Please be sure to thank them for their consideration!

Governor Charlie Baker: or 617-725-4005

Secretary Jay Ash: or 617-788-3610

As members and supporters, you understand the value that the Zoos offer. At Franklin Park and Stone Zoos, people of all ages have the unique opportunity to discover the incredible biodiversity of the planet and the critical role they play in ensuring it remains a healthy, thriving environment for generations to come. Whether connecting with wildlife, learning about conservation, or just having fun, the Zoos are uniquely positioned to provide a host of memorable, and invaluable, experiences.

Giraffe FeedingWe are asking for your help to ensure that the Zoos thrive and offer these meaningful experiences. Almost every major zoo in the country is financed, in part, with public funds. They are great examples of public/private partnerships. Zoo New England has worked diligently to contribute to this public/private partnership by increasing our earned revenues and cultivating private donations. However, Zoo New England is below the average in terms of tax-based operating subsidy and capital support. We are working hard to build a deeper public/private partnership and provide even greater economic return to our Commonwealth.

Your calls, letters and emails make a difference. We really appreciate your support and advocacy!